Will users pay for an Ad-Free ÜberTwitter?

Last week, the famed Twitter client for BlackBerrys, ÜberTwitter, rolled out its latest update to the liking and dismay of BlackBerry and Twitter users alike. While an update was definitely needed, ÜberTwitter, faced much scrutiny for rolling out their ads feature with their Beta-4 release. While this shouldn't have came as a surprise, the TwitterBerry crusher never explained how they would roll out the ads and "bam" just like that, they showed up. However, after many complaints, ÜberTwitter heard the call and got rid of the annoying ads, that showed up at the of the tweet timeline.

Today, ÜberTwitter releases this announcement:

While the idea may be understandable, it may not be a smart one? Since Twitter's DDOS a couple of weeks, ÜberTwitter has been encountering many API issues with no fault of their own. Tweets ingoing and outgoing have been delayed despite user settings. Not to mention, there are still a few bugs that the developers have to fix before they consider a paid option.

My 2 cents to ÜberTwitter
Let's not jump the gun too soon yet. You may be jumping the shark here and I would advice you to hold off a while before you make a decision that may cost you down the line.

What are your thoughts? Would you pay money for an Ads Free ÜberTwitter, would you remain loyal to ÜberTwitter and go with the Ads, or will you find another client? I would love to hear from you.

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