Facebook Chat: "A MAJOR FAIL!"

I just want to rant for a few. How annoying it is when you're having a great conversation with your Facebook buddy and the message either doesn't go through or your friend is logged off quickly when they're actually logged on. Welcome to the Facebook Chat feature: the worse feature on Facebook to date.

Take Facebook Chat and compare it with Gmail Talk on Gmail. Gmail wins hands down. While browsing emails, you can converse with your email buddies and you don't have to worry about your chat not being processed or your friends being kicked off constantly.

On the other hand you have Facebook chat. It's not guaranteed your friend will get your message and at times it takes maybe up to 3 minutes before your friend receives the message. There are even times when you think Facebook has on size 14 Timbalands because you can be booted from chat and not even know it.

As Facebook continues to find better ways to make their site more interactive, I think they are neglecting their chat feature and they're losing to Gmail Talk. Perhaps, Facebook will poach employees from Gmail and develop a much more better and effective chat feature. Who knows. However, at the rate that they're going, Facebook chat will continue to be a "MAJOR FAIL!!!"

I'm done venting now. What can Facebook do to improve their chat feature? I'd like to hear from you.

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